Blue Ridge WYRD

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States

We want your stories!!! Join us for the second meet up of Blue Ridge WYRD (Weaving Yarns, Realizing Destinies) - an oral story open mic, hosted Rapunzel's Coffee and Books in Lovingston on Saturday, February 8th.

January Open Mic Night (Rescheduled)

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States

OUR MAKE UP OPEN MIC NIGHT DATE IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 24TH! YAY! ~*~ * ~*~ * ~*~ Join us for another one of our intergalactically famous open mic nights! Bring us your talent and start on the road to stardom! Our open mic night is held NORMALLY on the second Friday of each month. THIS […]

Justin Golden

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States

“Justin Golden’s performance…was a revelation” ~ Style Weekly ~*~ This Saturday, January 18th we welcome back our friend Justin Golden for an intimate solo show in Lovingston, Virginia. Join us at at Rapunzel’s for a dialogue between artist and audience as Golden shares his music and about his most recent adventures, recording plans, and work […]

Poetry & Literature Night

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States

Rapunzel's Poetry and Literature Open Mic Night is a quarterly feature here, focused on the written word. Our next one will be held on Friday, January 17th at *7pm.* Come prepared to share and listen to local authors of all genres and ages. This is an eclectic evening of diverse work guaranteed to foster creativity […]

Book Launch & Celebration – Amelia L. Williams

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States

Event to include:• Species of Influence: Mixed media art display • Salon discussion & readings with Bette Dzamba (Wild Virginia), & poet Hannah Loeb (MFA, PhD) , Audience Q&A• Food by HoneyBeeFed• Book signing These poems embed Nelson County landscapes, voicing many species of concern, from the climate crisis to everyday worries. This collection commemorates […]

March Open Mic Night

Rapunzel's Coffee and Books 924 Front Street, Lovingston, United States
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