Signs of Faith Against Fascism

Houston Memorial Chapel at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, Virginia

Signs of Faith Against Fascism in Charlottesville with Dr. Eric Martin Houston Memorial Chapel Eric Martin Lecture: "Signs of Faith Against Fascism in Charlottesville"

An Afternoon of Korean Art Song

Randolplh College - The Wimberly Recital Hall - Presser Hall 2500 RIVERMONT AVE, Lynchburg, VA, United States

Experience the magic of gagok, a contemporary Korean vocal art form that bridges cultures and traditions. Soprano Misook Yun, mezzo-soprano Ryu-Kyung Kim, and pianist Da Eun Choi will bring this unique blend of American hymns, Italian canzone, French mélodie, and German Lieder to life—while honoring Korea’s 5,000-year-old vocal traditions. Admission is free and open to […]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration with Erika Alexander

Smith Hall Theatre, Randolph College 2500 RIVERMONT AVE, Lynchburg, VA, United States

Erika Alexander—an actress, trailblazing activist, entrepreneur, creator, producer, and director—will discuss Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy and her work during Randolph College's annual celebration honoring Dr. King Alexander starred as attorney Maxine Shaw on the popular 1990s series Living Single, a now-iconic character. The event, set for 5 p.m. on Monday, January 27, in Smith […]

Sri Lankan Dance Workshop

MAC Dance Studio at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont avenue, Lynchburg, VA, United States

Sri Lankan Dance Workshop MAC Dance Studio Featuring Sudesh Mantillake and Chinthaka Bandara This workshop is open free to the public. Movement Rhizome: Quillian International Symposium on Sri Lanka Inspired by the rhizome concept, the symposium will explore the intersection of dance, performance, film, geography, philosophy, anthropology, architecture, religion, music, literature, rhetoric, decoloniality, and migration. […]

Contextualizing My Devil Dance

Houston Memorial Chapel at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, Virginia

“Contextualizing My Devil Dance” Houston Memorial Chapel Sri Lankan Dance Performance & Dialogue by Sudesh Mantillake Featuring Sudesh Mantillake, Chinthaka Bandara, & Vajira Mantillake This performance and dialogue is open to the public. Join us for a special Sri Lankan dance performance by Quillian Visiting International Scholar Sudesh Mantillake, joined by Chinthaka Bandara and Vajira […]

Movement Rhizome: Quillian International Symposium on Sri Lanka

Houston Memorial Chapel at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg, Virginia

The symposium is open to all who register.  Register Here 8:30 a.m –  Contemplative Practice Session Houston Houston Memorial Chapel 9 a.m – “Identity & Politics” Roundtable Houston Memorial Chapel In-person roundtable presentations and discussion featuring the following scholars: Katie Powell, Director of the Center for Refugee, Migrant, and Displacement Studies and Professor, Virginia Tech […]

The Dance Ritual of Eighteen Vannamas

Nichols Theatre at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont avenue, Lynchburg, VA, United States

4:15 p.m – Film Screening & Talkback: “The Dance Ritual of Eighteen Vannamas” (Public) Nichols Theatre Director & Speaker: Athula Samarakoon This screening and talkback is open free to the public. Movement Rhizome: Quillian International Symposium on Sri Lanka Inspired by the rhizome concept, the symposium will explore the intersection of dance, performance, film, geography, philosophy, […]

Winfree Observatory Star Party

Winfree Observatory at Randolph College 84 N. Princeton Circle, Lynchburg, United States

Join Randolph faculty and students as they open the Winfree Observatory to members of the campus community and the general public to view celestial objects.Audience: All parties are open to the public.Cost: Free!

Why We Dance: Ritual, Performance, and Healing in Post-War Sri Lanka

Nichols Theatre at Randolph College 2500 Rivermont avenue, Lynchburg, VA, United States

6 p.m –  Work-in-Progress Film Excerpt Screening & Talkback “Why We Dance: Ritual, Performance, and Healing in Post-War Sri Lanka” Nichols Theatre Filmmakers & Speakers: Susan A. Reed, Producer and Researcher Wilton Martinez, Director and Co-producer Sudesh Mantillake, Field Producer and Cultural Consultant This screening and talkback is open free to the public. Movement Rhizome: […]

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